DepEd to conduct ‘Search for the Outstanding Barkada Kontra Droga Program Implementers’
By Merlina Hernando-Malipot
To encourage secondary schools to become more actively involved in empowering the youth in leading a healthy lifestyle that is drug-free and productive, the Department of Education (DepEd) will conduct the Search for the Outstanding Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) Program Implementers in Secondary Schools for School Year (SY) 2017-2018.
Education Secretary Leonor Briones, in DepEd Memo No. 127 series of 2018, urged all high schools with an established BKD chapter to join this year’s search. In collaboration with the Office of the President – through the Dangerous Drugs Board (DBB) – and DepEd’s School Health Division, Bureau of Learner Support Services (SHD, BLSS), the search aims to “strengthen the National Education Program (NDEP), through the BKD movement established in the schools.”
Briones said that the Search is also being conducted to “strengthen the National Education Program (NDEP) through the BKD movement established in the schools” as well as to “develop skill and understanding among students, faculty and school administrators in initiating active responses for a drug-free school.”
The Search, Briones noted, also aims to include increasing “community awareness and participation; hence, maintaining a fully drug-free environment in the school, home, workplace, and community”; to “support and sustain the services in the Barkada-adopted concepts among educators, professionals, families, work forces, peer groups, and other sectors” and to “identify best practices of the different BKD chapters, which will serve as models for other schools to implement.”
Specifically, Briones said that the Search aims to “assess the extent of program implementation in the divisions/regions”; “motivate program implementers to manifest enthusiasm, leadership, and deeper commitments to the implementation of the program”; and to “give recognition to program personnel’s efforts.”
Since 2004 to 2017, DepEd noted that there has been a total of 344 organized BKD chapters nationwide with a total membership of 90, 994.
The Search will cover BKD activities conducted from July to December 2018 and will have three levels of searches – the division level where the search will be conducted in July 2018 by the Division evaluating team; the regional level to be done in August 2018 wherein the best entry in each region shall be submitted to the National evaluation team; and the national level from September to December where two levels of evaluation will be conducted.
The Search will cover BKD activities conducted from July to December 2018 and will have three levels of searches – the division level where the search will be conducted in July 2018 by the Division evaluating team; the regional level to be done in August 2018 wherein the best entry in each region shall be submitted to the National evaluation team; and the national level from September to December where two levels of evaluation will be conducted.
The national winners will be judged based on the functionality of BKD program on drug abuse prevention in secondary schools; coverage and scope of implementation; nature and extent of the drug abuse prevention activities or projects; and extent of involvement of various individuals/groups in providing leadership in program implementation; attainment of objectives and monitoring/evaluation scheme.
Cash awards and plaques await the winners wherein the 1st prize will receive Php 50,000; the 2nd prize will Php 40,000; and 3rd prize will receive Php 30, 000. There will also be two consolation prizes of Php 10,000 each plus plaque.
Winners will be announced in an awarding ceremony on the first quarter of 2019.
The program aims to bring the fight against drugs to the schools. Being the second home to the young, schools and people we get acquainted with and later on become our peers has a huge influence towards our holistic selves thus making it vital that we become good stewards towards each other. Students are encouraged to have their share in helping their co-students in their battles so that help from the LGU through the program will also be given.
The program aims to bring the fight against drugs to the schools. Being the second home to the young, schools and people we get acquainted with and later on become our peers has a huge influence towards our holistic selves thus making it vital that we become good stewards towards each other. Students are encouraged to have their share in helping their co-students in their battles so that help from the LGU through the program will also be given.